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Resource Consent

There are four aspects to a towns planning: 


Objectives - what the town planners and elected councilors want to achieve.


Policies - How the council wants the objectives to be achieved. 


Standards - Generic requirements that broadly align with the objectives and policies. 


Rules - Generally describe the limits of the standards. 


We can design anything we like that is in-line with the planning objectives. 

The Standards and Rules are blunt instruments, and more often than not, meeting the client requirements and the council objectives means not abiding by all of the standards or rules.


In this scenario an approval known as a resource consent is required to demonstrate the project meets the objectives within the bounds of the council policies. 


If you require a resource consent, we will discuss whether we handle it in-house or use an external consultant. 


If resource consent is required, we will address:

  • Earthworks and Sediment Control

  • Site Services 

  • Impervious Surfaces

  • Building Envelope

  • Boundary Setbacks

  • Retaining Wall Heights

  • Shading analysis


Sub-Consultants may be required to provide:

  • Planting plans.

  • Urban / Rural / Character / Heritage Design Review.

  • Stormwater Management.

  • Septic Design.

  • Assessment of Environmental Effects.

  • Wind assessment.


Many clients are put off by the idea of a Resource Consent. It needn't be the case. 


The challenge is the process has evolved beyond the impression of managing natural resources and now covers urban design, infrastructure management, social issues and generates revenue for the council.


As long as the design fits the criteria of the council objectives there is usually nothing to be concerned about. 

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