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We can help you find and enlist the right building contractors to work on your build.


We recommend following a ‘selected tender’ process. 


In our ‘selected tender’ process we invite one to three builders submit a tender based on their Fixed and Variable costs only.

The reason being that Main Contractors will not want to price the full build when there is a risk of not winning the project. There is significant time and cost involved in the measurement of materials and labour so a reliance on the Quantity Surveyors information is useful provided one is engaged. 


The Main Contractor is chosen based on their preliminary and general costs, their margin percent, labour rates and variation costs.


Once the Main Contractor is chosen, we release the documentation on the condition of a Fixed Price Lump Sum contract with open book pricing. 


Because an invitation to tender suggests a willingness to engage the Main Contractor (subject to price) we encourage meeting with the prospective Main Contractor before they prepare a tender.


Things to consider about the builders chosen to tender are:

  • their ability to complete the project on time

  • their experience with your type of project

  • their reputation for quality 

  • their reputation for cooperation

  • their financial stability

  • do you get along


There are a few different contracts available for use between Clients and Main Contractors. We typically encourage NZS3902 or NZS3910 depending how involved we are in the build phases. 


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