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Sub-Consultant Engagement

Most projects require the input of Sub-Consutants. At the end of Design Stage 2 we send the plans out to relevant sub-consultants for their design advice. 


We do this now as it gives us an opportunity to factor the design elements into the building before the design is frozen for Detailed Design and means we can carry out clash detection and resolve any weird design outcomes that arise from the consultants and co-ordinate between them. 


This is the first part of the project where timing is not as easy to manage. 

In any project we may need to engage any of the following sub-consultants. 

  • Planning Consultant for Planning or Urban Design assessment.

  • Geotechnical Engineer for ground quality assessment.

  • Hydraulic Engineer for Urban Stormwater, Rural Stormwater design or Septic design.

  • Structural Engineer for Structural Design.

  • Frame and Truss Design.

  • Colour Consultant.

  • Landscape Designer.

  • Lighting Designer.

  • Urban Designer if required by council to accompany an application.

  • Fire Engineer.

  • Acoustic Engineer.

  • Mechanical Services

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